Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Law Firm Takes A Stand For the Elderly
Here is an article listed on their blog that discusses a scam brought to light by the Wall Street Journal regarding "reverse" mortgages.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What in the world is happening?
Why does everything seem to be unnecessarily annoying now? I turn on the Today show every morning and am in shock at the "news" they report. Do I really need to hear about Michael Jackson still. Didn't he die like 3 months ago? I mean...please...stop! How many people can possibly claim to be the "legitimate" biological parent to these children? Hey...guess what...I AM THE REAL FATHER! Seriously...put me on TV and interview me..I'll make the rounds and wear a Financemann Blog T-Shirt. It'll be great. Do these retarded people really think they are doing the kids any favors at this point? They all cry and say, "I just want what's best for the kids." Really!? Well's NOT YOU so SHUT UP...GO HOME...and go back to your Jerry Springer life. And what's with Michael's mother? Now she wants MORE involvement with future business deals involving the estate. God...vultures! I can't even believe these people are getting a voice at all...they should all be sequestered on the same island I am hoping to toss John & Kate...and their "Plus 8" can join them because...after all...they are just future John's and Kate's right.
Kate Gosling was on the Today show this morning talking about her divorce from John...and I do believe I heard two things (I say believe because I was trying to get ready for work) that on retrospect make me surprised I didn't throw my loafer through the television. First of all...I think she cried...seriously're crying now? Wow...from what I've read I didn't think you were capable. What are you crying about? The fact that the media hates you? Get over it! You have money, a show, a shitty haircut, and your kids will actually have a financially sound future (as long as you don't piss it away first) because of the stupid media. So...if I were you...I'd put up with it and count my lucky stars that anyone is even talking about me...because will be forgotten and in debt like the rest of the quasi-celebs. Get ready for VH-1!! Second...I believe I heard her say something about her show being the "realest reality show out". Ok...I have several problems with this...but let me start by saying bull bull shit. You are not allowed to say such things when you are on a reality're just not...because everyone with two brain cells knows there's no reality in reality shows. Also...if it's so real...why are you and your husband getting all these make overs? That's not very real. Real people with real jobs do not get hair plugs comped by their employer (I'm talking to you John Gosling!).
I would like to apologize for my over use of elipses...but...what can I's an easy way to pause...and with it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Steve Strauss on Getting Ahead in the E-Wolrd
To get ahead in this e-world: Create and market content
By Steve Strauss for USA TODAYCreating content: I recently had a chance to speak with John Jantsch, one of the sharpest marketing guys around and creator of the Duct Tape Marketing system. According to John, the single best thing anyone can do to grow the online part of their business is to "commit to creating content regularly and putting it online." This should include, he suggests:
• Blog: "When people search, they will have a better chance of finding you if you have a blog."
• Have pictures of your products on your site,
Flickr , etc.• Search engine optimize your site with valuable content, including articles, e-newsletters, etc.
What do Major League Baseball, Jib Jab, Greenpeace, and Lufthansa all have in common? They use the easy, excellent service from to create their own custom toolbar that their customers can download and use to access their content. The Major League Baseball toolbar allows users to "access features from anywhere on the web." Lufthansa uses their downloadable toolbar to give their customers "our best offers."
Today's Tip: The news that pitchman Billy Mays passed away suddenly and unexpectedly was sad. Want to learn how to sell better? Watch some of his infomercials. Billy showed you what your need was (whether you knew it or not!) and how his product could solve the problem. It was all about helping (and selling.) He will be missed.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Winner's Guide to Life by Pete
Here are some highlights:
The Winner's Guide To The Game Of Life!
By Pete on June 16, 2009 in Life & Health
Before birth, each and every one of us signed up for a rough and tumble,
awesome game called “Life”, and there’s only one way out: death! Now, how are
you going to play? What strategies are you going to bring to the table?
Is it really true that everything happens for a reason? That no matter
whatever crappy things happens, something valuable will come out of it, which
will be exactly what you needed at that point in your life?
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were
just meant to be there … maybe this is one of those situations, my friend! Good
Luck to you, Mr. or Mrs. Future Success Story!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Five Goals of Investing

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Motley Fool on Buffett's Losses and Buying Stocks
This Is Why Buffett's Buying Stocks
By Morgan Housel June 9, 2009
You think you've had a bad year? Poor Warren Buffett has seen more than $25
billion evaporate from his net worth in the past year, as Berkshire Hathaway
followed the market's nosedive.
Yes, stocks are scary right now. Yes, there will be boom times and bust
times -- and the busts are no fun, even when we're resigned to their presence.
But if you want your money to earn you adequate post-inflation returns over the
long haul, cash isn't going to get you there. Never has. Never will.
None of this is to say we've reached a market bottom. Historical
earnings multiples, for example, suggest that more pain could be in store
for investors. Some periods of market lethargy have indeed lasted for longer
than 10 years, too.
Monday, June 1, 2009
8 Warren Buffet Money Secrets
8 Money Secrets From Warren Buffet
It's from the site
Here is the list, but please click on the link to the source and see the extended version with Mr. Buffet's comments:
1. Rich Is A State Of Mind
2. Success Is More Than About Your Bank Balance
3. Spend Less Than You Earn
4. Avoid Consumer Debt
5. You Are Who You Associate With
6. Gambling Is A Fools Game
7. Give Back To The Community
8. Generosity and Abundance Goes Hand In Hand