Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Law Firm Takes A Stand For the Elderly
Here is an article listed on their blog that discusses a scam brought to light by the Wall Street Journal regarding "reverse" mortgages.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What in the world is happening?
Why does everything seem to be unnecessarily annoying now? I turn on the Today show every morning and am in shock at the "news" they report. Do I really need to hear about Michael Jackson still. Didn't he die like 3 months ago? I mean...please...stop! How many people can possibly claim to be the "legitimate" biological parent to these children? Hey...guess what...I AM THE REAL FATHER! Seriously...put me on TV and interview me..I'll make the rounds and wear a Financemann Blog T-Shirt. It'll be great. Do these retarded people really think they are doing the kids any favors at this point? They all cry and say, "I just want what's best for the kids." Really!? Well's NOT YOU so SHUT UP...GO HOME...and go back to your Jerry Springer life. And what's with Michael's mother? Now she wants MORE involvement with future business deals involving the estate. God...vultures! I can't even believe these people are getting a voice at all...they should all be sequestered on the same island I am hoping to toss John & Kate...and their "Plus 8" can join them because...after all...they are just future John's and Kate's right.
Kate Gosling was on the Today show this morning talking about her divorce from John...and I do believe I heard two things (I say believe because I was trying to get ready for work) that on retrospect make me surprised I didn't throw my loafer through the television. First of all...I think she cried...seriously're crying now? Wow...from what I've read I didn't think you were capable. What are you crying about? The fact that the media hates you? Get over it! You have money, a show, a shitty haircut, and your kids will actually have a financially sound future (as long as you don't piss it away first) because of the stupid media. So...if I were you...I'd put up with it and count my lucky stars that anyone is even talking about me...because will be forgotten and in debt like the rest of the quasi-celebs. Get ready for VH-1!! Second...I believe I heard her say something about her show being the "realest reality show out". Ok...I have several problems with this...but let me start by saying bull bull shit. You are not allowed to say such things when you are on a reality're just not...because everyone with two brain cells knows there's no reality in reality shows. Also...if it's so real...why are you and your husband getting all these make overs? That's not very real. Real people with real jobs do not get hair plugs comped by their employer (I'm talking to you John Gosling!).
I would like to apologize for my over use of elipses...but...what can I's an easy way to pause...and with it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Steve Strauss on Getting Ahead in the E-Wolrd
To get ahead in this e-world: Create and market content
By Steve Strauss for USA TODAYCreating content: I recently had a chance to speak with John Jantsch, one of the sharpest marketing guys around and creator of the Duct Tape Marketing system. According to John, the single best thing anyone can do to grow the online part of their business is to "commit to creating content regularly and putting it online." This should include, he suggests:
• Blog: "When people search, they will have a better chance of finding you if you have a blog."
• Have pictures of your products on your site,
Flickr , etc.• Search engine optimize your site with valuable content, including articles, e-newsletters, etc.
What do Major League Baseball, Jib Jab, Greenpeace, and Lufthansa all have in common? They use the easy, excellent service from to create their own custom toolbar that their customers can download and use to access their content. The Major League Baseball toolbar allows users to "access features from anywhere on the web." Lufthansa uses their downloadable toolbar to give their customers "our best offers."
Today's Tip: The news that pitchman Billy Mays passed away suddenly and unexpectedly was sad. Want to learn how to sell better? Watch some of his infomercials. Billy showed you what your need was (whether you knew it or not!) and how his product could solve the problem. It was all about helping (and selling.) He will be missed.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Winner's Guide to Life by Pete
Here are some highlights:
The Winner's Guide To The Game Of Life!
By Pete on June 16, 2009 in Life & Health
Before birth, each and every one of us signed up for a rough and tumble,
awesome game called “Life”, and there’s only one way out: death! Now, how are
you going to play? What strategies are you going to bring to the table?
Is it really true that everything happens for a reason? That no matter
whatever crappy things happens, something valuable will come out of it, which
will be exactly what you needed at that point in your life?
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were
just meant to be there … maybe this is one of those situations, my friend! Good
Luck to you, Mr. or Mrs. Future Success Story!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Five Goals of Investing

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Motley Fool on Buffett's Losses and Buying Stocks
This Is Why Buffett's Buying Stocks
By Morgan Housel June 9, 2009
You think you've had a bad year? Poor Warren Buffett has seen more than $25
billion evaporate from his net worth in the past year, as Berkshire Hathaway
followed the market's nosedive.
Yes, stocks are scary right now. Yes, there will be boom times and bust
times -- and the busts are no fun, even when we're resigned to their presence.
But if you want your money to earn you adequate post-inflation returns over the
long haul, cash isn't going to get you there. Never has. Never will.
None of this is to say we've reached a market bottom. Historical
earnings multiples, for example, suggest that more pain could be in store
for investors. Some periods of market lethargy have indeed lasted for longer
than 10 years, too.
Monday, June 1, 2009
8 Warren Buffet Money Secrets
8 Money Secrets From Warren Buffet
It's from the site
Here is the list, but please click on the link to the source and see the extended version with Mr. Buffet's comments:
1. Rich Is A State Of Mind
2. Success Is More Than About Your Bank Balance
3. Spend Less Than You Earn
4. Avoid Consumer Debt
5. You Are Who You Associate With
6. Gambling Is A Fools Game
7. Give Back To The Community
8. Generosity and Abundance Goes Hand In Hand
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cash Loan
Cash Loans for Emergency Situations
A couple highlights...
Of course cash loans can also be acquired at your local bank, but this
process is normally slow and can involve a rigorous approval process....
If you don’t have the time or the credit history to approach your bank for
an emergency cash loan, you might want to consider a payday loan or payday
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
7 Reasons The Motley Fool Gives Us Not to Worry this Week

Monday, May 18, 2009
When is a Payday Loan the Best Solution?
What IS always available, most conveniently only a click away, is securing a payday loan.
Some situations that may call for a payday loan are:
1. Unexpected medical expenses: Let's say your employer does not offer medical benefits, and while at work, you get injured - you twist your ankle, injure your hip, etc. You go to the hospital, and get slammed with a $500 medical bill. With other urgent expenses looming, you simply don't have the cash to pay the bill. You don't want to incur any late charges, so securing a payday loan is the BEST way to pay the bill. Simply pay off the loan next time you get paid.
2. Car expenses: Cars are unpredictable - they may be in perfect shape aesthetically, but it's what's under the hood that could falter at any given time, no matter how well you may take care of the car. Regular oil changes, tire rotations - it does not matter, mechanical problems can arise when you least expect it. Imagine you try starting your car one morning and it does not start - you have to get the car towed to the shop, then find out that your battery is dead and you need a new transmission. The eager mechanic happily tells you that it will be $1,300 to fix your car. You don't have a credit card, and you can't write a check because it will bounce. This is where a payday loan would be perfectly appropriate, as you will be able to cover your impromptu expense quickly without having to endure bounced check fees.
3. House Expenses: Landlords are not the most forgiving individuals, and one of their pet peeves is when a tenant cannot pay their rent on time. Whenever rent is late, landlords find great pleasure in assessing late charges for each day the rent is late, sometimes in excess of $50 each day the payment is late. Instead of incurring these late fees, or bouncing a check, simply take out a payday loan to cover your rent. The interest on a payday loan will be less than the late fees or bounced check fees.
4. Family Emergency: You live in New York, your parents live in Florida, and when one of your parents gets sick, you need to fly down to visit them. Bills are piling up, and you simply do not have the money to pay for a plane ticket for the trip down to Florida. A payday loan can be used to pay for a plane ticket, as well as cover other costs while on your trip.
5. Miscellaneous Expenses: Let's say you are in a hurry to get to an appointment with a client, and a cop comes out of nowhere and stops you for speeding. Depending on how much over the speed limit you were, speeding tickets may cost at least $80, not to mention court costs and rising insurance premiums. These are unwanted expenses that not everybody has the funds to cover, so a payday loan may be used in this situation to pay off any costs associated with a speeding ticket. It goes without saying, however, that simply abiding by local driving laws can avoid a situation like this.Payday loans can be secured at numerous locations around your area, or by going online and filling out an application to be matched with a lender. Depending on how busy you are, either option is good, but it is highly recommended to apply online, as it is 100% secure, quick, and you can be matched with lenders in your locality. OneHourCash, Payday Pro and PayAdvanceLending are examples of highly-reputable payday loan websites. No matter how you obtain your loan, understand that when used responsibly, payday loans are the best short-term option to get you out of your financial bind.
Thanks to Steven Lancaster for the article.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Warren Buffet’s 10 Rules for Getting Rich
This afternoon I went to Jimmy John's for lunch and noticed a sign on the wall that showed Warren Buffet's list of 10 Rules for Getting Rich. Instead of ripping the sign off the wall and risking felony charges for theft and vandalism, I decided to Google the list instead. Unfortunately, I was never able to find an exact replica of the rules that were on the wall of the sandwich shop. I did, however, find this blog post, Warren Buffett's Ten Secrets to Wealth and Life, which discusses the rules as they were in Parade magazine. Here is the list in its entirety as written by J.D. on September 10th, 2008.
- Reinvest your profits. "Even a small sum can turn into great wealth," Schroeder writes, if you're disciplined to not touch your profits. Let the power of compound interest work for you.
- Be willing to be different. Don't follow the herd. Do what is best for you and your situation.
- Never suck your thumb. Ah, how I could learn from this one. Buffett makes decisions quickly based on the available information. I tend to sit and stew about things. Acting decisively can give you an advantage and prevent procrastination.
- Spell out the deal before you start. I stress this all the time: Don't sign a contract unless you've read it (especially not a mortgage). Read the fine print. Understand the what you're getting yourself into.
- Watch small expenses. While it's true that the big things matter, the little things do too. Frugality is an important part of personal finance. But this principle also applies when investing, which is one reason I'm a fan of low-cost index funds.
- Limit what you borrow. "Living on credit cards and loans won't make you rich," writes Schroeder. Sure, leverage can get you into a home or a new car, but too much debt is one of the biggest drags on your financial well-being.
- Be persistent. If you know what you're doing is important and right, stick to it. Doggedly pursue your goals. Learn to "fail forward".
- Know when to quit. The other day, I wrote about the danger of the sunk-cost fallacy. Just because you've already paid $10 to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, doesn't mean you should sit through to the end. Be willing to cut your losses and walk away.
- Assess the risks. "Asking yourself 'and then what?' can help you see all of the possible consequences when you're struggling to make a decision — and can guide you to the smartest choice."
- Know what success really means. Success is different for each of us. Find what it is that brings meaning to your life, what makes each day important. Make this your focus. Buffett says: "When you get to my age, you'll measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you. That's the ultimate test of how you've lived your life."
Thanks to J.D. for writing this article on the Get Rich Slowly blog on September 10th, 2008.
Please check out for credit advice.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Worker Dead at Desk for Five Days
Warren Buffet is the Man--Seriously!
Seriously, Warren Buffett Is a Better Investor Than You
By Tim Hanson and Brian
...See, in helping privately held Mars buy Wrigley last year,
Buffett made a deal with zero liquidity in sight. That's precisely the opposite
of virtually all investors in private companies (particularly venture
capitalists), who demand a clear path to liquidity from the start.
But not Buffett The Oracle of Omaha has long preached that the long term is the
only view for an investment -- even if the investor is beyond retirement age.
He's said before that his ideal holding period is "forever" -- and the
Mars-Wrigley-Berkshire (NYSE: BRK-B) deal is yet another example of Buffett
putting that theory into practice.
Mr. Buffet's long-term strategies are admirable and should be followed by investors from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
...Yet most investors have not learned this lesson. Recent NYSE data showed
that the average holding period for a stock is now less than one year....
One year? Wow! That's just ridiculous. It's one thing to have a sum of money that is strictly set aside to "play" the market and not worry about losing, but for the average holding period to be less than a year is surprising.
The article goes on to talk about common misconceptions people might have about Warren Buffet. For example:
We got emails telling us that Buffett has tons of advantages over the
common man, ranging from his enormous war chest of cash to his access to
executives and/or privileged information...
....Buffett's enormous cash position is actually an enormous disadvantage
when it comes to earning superior stock market returns. It essentially prevents
him from investing in anything other than liquid large caps...
...According to Capital IQ, while there are more than 28,000 companies
trading on the world's exchanges, there are just 1,566 currently capitalized at
$3 billion or greater. That means Buffett's cash position effectively locks him
out of 95% of all public companies.
Basically, Warren Buffet does NOT have an advantage because of his vast wealth, instead he has a disadvantage. He has often said that if he only had $1 million to invest he could easily see annual returns of up to 50%.
We should all take a lesson from Warren Buffet's patient yet persistent investing strategies. The man is one of the richest men in the world, and he has been building his wealth in the market since the age of 11.
Here are some final tips to help you follow Mr. Buffet's investing style:
So while he may be a better investor than us today, we can at least learn
from his experiences and -- like he did -- become superior investors over
time.That means:
1. Buying for life (or, at least, the long term).
2. Buying
small (perhaps our lone advantage).
3. Buying based on thorough research and
due diligence.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
MORE bonuses for bankers?
More bonuses for Citigroup's bankers? Yes
Posted Apr 29 2009, 06:01 AM by Douglas McIntyre
Citigroup (C) has gone to the Treasury to beg for bonuses for some of
its most important traders, people who make the banks extraordinary
amounts of money. The Treasury’s reaction will probably be that it wants to stay
out of a fight with Congress and avoid negative public opinion and will turn the
request down....
...Wall Street’s primary argument for keeping a high level of compensation
for its best investment bankers and traders is that if they leave, overall
losses at banks could get worse....
...The government is going to have to come to grips with the fact that
banks have to pay the best bankers even if the idea is unpopular. There is
nothing new in this argument, but it is extremely urgent that it be
I can see the reasoning here, but can also clearly see why this is NOT a popular idea with public opinioin. It reminds me of a comedian I saw once who did a routine about the poor getting charged for being broke and the rich getting paid for being rich. Of course that was a comedy show, but's easy to see how the banks can fall under close scrutiny when having to make unpopular requests from government organizations.
I truly hope that if these "money makers" are going to get bonuses, they can stimulate the market enough to help bring the banks out of the hole and back on their feet. It's important that the money trickles down from the top to the bottom quickly, because--as we all know--that's where the REAL engine lies that drives our economy.
Stock Market Simulations are a Valuable Learning Tool
Online stock trading games allow potential investors to develop a better understanding of the market and it's easy to notice changes in the stocks and the effects on your investment. You can also turn to the many groups to seek advice and new strategies.
With real stock quotes and real time simulations, online games allow you to experiment with strategies risk free. Whether you’re investing $1,000.00 or $1,000,000.00, a little hands-on practice and experience might be the advantage that leads you to higher profits.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Top Ten Reasons to Use Payday Loans
2. Late fees on your bills are accumulating.
3. Car trouble.
4. A payday loan will help you provide groceries for your family.
5. Family medical emergency.
6. A cash advance will allow you to pay off your credit cards.
7. You HAVE to make payments to avoid collections.
8. Phone is about to be shut off.
9. Utilities are about to be turned off.
10. You simply need extra money.
Payday Loans and the Poor Economy
Why, in this dwindling economy when someone like me struggles more than usual, do wealthy credit companies need unnecessarily large APR’s to increase profits? What if an increased APR forced me to choose between a credit card payment and becoming late on the rent? What if I were struggling to buy groceries this month? These might seem like extreme examples, but there are people living on tight budgets whose lives would be significantly affected by such a disturbance.
What can you do?
If you have a decent reputation and are willing to wait several days or several weeks for approval, you can try to apply for a loan from a bank. Maybe you want to open another credit card, but the poor economy makes it difficult if not impossible for anyone to get credit approval. You can borrow money from a friend or family member, but that’s an embarrassment most people choose to avoid. Even though your situation might feel hopeless at times, there is an answer that is fast, efficient and not humiliating.
A rapid and viable option for someone with less than perfect credit, and who might be in a financial pinch, is an online cash advance payday loan. Perhaps you've heard some negative reviews or stories about this kind of loan, but the truth is they can be a lifesaver in big situations, if you can and will pay back quickly in accordance with the agreed limits. Finance fees related to a payday loan might be lower than the accrued late fees associate with high APR’s, and can you avoid negative marks on your credit report. In addition, applying for online cash advance loans you should not worry about traditional credit checks, which may also negatively impact your credit report. For these reasons and because they are fast (the money is often electronically deposited into your account the same day) payday loans can be a very useful solution to your financial woes.