Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Motley Fool on Buffett's Losses and Buying Stocks

Apparently the Motley Fool enjoys writing about Warren Buffett as much as I. Every time I check my blog reader I see at least one or two articles with Buffett's name in the title. Here is an article that was posted this morning about Buffett's stock buying strategy and his current losses at Berkshire Hathaway.

This Is Why Buffett's Buying Stocks
By Morgan Housel June 9, 2009

You think you've had a bad year? Poor Warren Buffett has seen more than $25
billion evaporate from his net worth in the past year, as Berkshire Hathaway
followed the market's nosedive.

Yes, stocks are scary right now. Yes, there will be boom times and bust
times -- and the busts are no fun, even when we're resigned to their presence.
But if you want your money to earn you adequate post-inflation returns over the
long haul, cash isn't going to get you there. Never has. Never will.

None of this is to say we've reached a market bottom. Historical
earnings multiples
, for example, suggest that more pain could be in store
for investors. Some periods of market lethargy have indeed lasted for longer
than 10 years, too.

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